Wednesday, December 2, 2009

 EXIT QUESTION: Write 2-3 sentences explaining what you accomplished today and how you will complete all projects or begin Garageband project?  Which Essential IDEA 1-55 will you choose to do your final project about? Let me know first to post to my blog first to choose, no doubles!

I posted my grade on the website that we are supposed to do on work, and the powerpoint. I still need to finish my newsletter.I also need to post my grade and my rubric of the newsletter on my blog.

Monday, November 30, 2009

ON this project I gave myself an A+. This was the last project I did but I think I did a good job. I think this is the score I deserve.

3b) EXIT QUESTION: Write 2-3 sentences explaining what you accomplished today and how you will complete all projects or begin Garageband project.?
I am on the newsletter right now. This is the last project that i need to finish.